汇商琅琊榜对话BMFN博美中国区管理层(China Management)
为了帮助大家更好的了解 BMFN 中国区业务调整及退出中国区零售外汇和 IB外汇业务细节,汇商琅琊榜(www.langyabang.com)和 BMFN 中国区管理层 (China Management) 取得联系,就粉丝目前最关心的问题进行了提问:
“All Chinese customers are able to send withdrawal requests. Withdrawals will be processed in the same manner as they were before. We have posted on our website the time required for processing withdrawals. ”
“Most of our IB Back Offices are enabled. As the transition of restructuring continues, all Back Offices will be enabled. This was required for settling and reporting basis during the restructuring. ”
“Currently, all accounts are active and normal. Clients are able to trade, deposit and withdraw. The people servicing these clients are third party representatives who are abroad. Eventually they will be transitioned to representatives of our acquiring company(to be named).
We want to emphasize that this restructuring process only affects our Chinese customers and not our investors outside of China. All BMFN activities outside of China remain unchanged and business as usual. We are all participants of the foreign exchange industry, which is both fast paced and forever changing.
Thank you for report on our company which is beneficial for all participants of our industry. By doing this, we are allowing genuine facts to be reported to the public during the restructuring process, which allows our industry to be more transparent regarding China’s regulatory requirements. Lastly, we hope that this gives domestic investors more confidence in the foreign exchange industry.”
(客户所有的业务都是正常的,交易账户都是正常化的,目前还是由BMFN境外的分部客服进行处理,这次重组只涉及中国境内的所属机构,集团的境外业务都不受任何影响。 我们是外汇行业的共同参与者,感谢你们基于事实报道我们重组的进程,净化行业环境也是配合目前国内行业监管的要求,同时给广大投资者对外汇行业更多的信心,谢谢。)